ClearCorrect Orthodontics 6 Month Journey – Weeks 2-3

Hello Everyone,
My name is Mackenzie, and I am the Dental Hygienist at Dr. Fotinos’ Dental Office. My journey with ClearCorrect (clear liner therapy orthodontics) is underway and it will take me about 6 months to complete my treatment and I will be filling you in along the way…
Week Two:
Day 14: I switched to my second set of aligners and they are feeling a little tight, but not as tight as my first set. I keep getting more and more excited setting my appointment to change my trays because that means I am one step closer to a great and functional smile!
Day 17: After two to three days of wearing my new aligners, they are starting to feel loose again, just as they did with the first set. I saw more of my friends and family this past weekend and I had to point out my aligners to them because they hadn’t noticed. My confidence with the aligners is through the roof
Stay tuned!