Sleep Apnea Treatment
If you wake up frequently or keep your partner up with your snoring, you might have sleep
apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by the frequent cessation of breathing. There are three types of sleep apnea:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - Soft tissues in the neck collapse, cutting off airways.
- Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) - Caused by a nervous system issue that interrupts the brain's neurological signal that regulates breathing.
- Mixed Sleep Apnea - A combination of OSA and CSA.
OSA is by far the most common type of sleep apnea. It most often affects males over the age of
40 who are also overweight. However, anyone of any sex, age, or weight can have sleep apnea.
What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?
The most common symptom of sleep apnea is loud snoring, but there are several other signs.
- Gasping for breath upon waking
- Waking up and not feeling rested
- Feeling sleepy throughout the day
- Falling asleep at inappropriate times
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Morning headaches
- Waking with a dry mouth
What Happens if Sleep Apnea Is Left Untreated?
Repeated oxygen and sleep deprivation are tough on your health. Left untreated, sleep apnea
can lead to:
- High blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Impotence
Fatigue can also cause serious accidents at work or driving.
How Sleep Apnea Is Treated
There are several sleep apnea treatment options. Lifestyle adjustments, weight loss, exercise,
and new sleeping positions can reduce the effects of sleep apnea. In extreme cases, sleep
apnea is treated with surgery. The most common treatment for all types of sleep apnea is the
CPAP machine. With a CPAP, the patient wears a breathing mask connected to a respirator
device to bed. The machine facilitates consistent breathing by pumping air into the airways.
The CPAP leaves many wondering whether there's an easy way to treat sleep apnea. The
answer is yes. A small oral appliance that's worn while sleeping can, can decrease the
symptoms and treat OSA. This night guard device is custom-made to fit the patient perfectly.
It's designed to hold the jaw in the proper position that naturally opens your airway for better
breathing and helps prevent soft tissues from collapsing and hindering breath. Most sleep
apnea devices are covered 100% by your PPO medical insurance and our office will
preauthorize each case prior to treatment so you are informed of any out of pocket expense.

Enjoy Restful Nights with a Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance from Our Orange, CA Dentists
If you've been diagnosed with OSA, then a sleep apnea oral appliance can help you resolve
your drowsiness and other symptoms, help your family sleep better, and safeguard your health.
To learn more about sleep apnea treatments or to schedule a sleep apnea appointment, contact
Christopher J. Fotinos Cosmetic & General Dentistry today.
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New Patient Special $199
(A $495 Value)
Includes a full series of x-rays, intra & extra oral photos, a comprehensive dental exam, regular dental cleaning, oral cancer screening, sleep apnea screening, and an orthodontic assessment.
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This is a 30 minute appointment to discuss a current condition, cosmetics or emergency treatment.