Sedation Dentistry
What Is Sedation Dentistry?
Types of Sedation Dentistry Available at Our Orange Dental Practice
Oral Conscious Sedation (anxiolysis)
Intravenous (IV) Sedation
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
IV sedation is carefully administered and monitored by a board-certified anesthesiologist. In order to undergo general anesthesia, patients must be deemed healthy enough by their general practitioners and review a complete health history with the anesthesiologist prior to scheduling dental treatment.

When Is Sedation Dentistry Recommended?
Sedation dentistry isn’t necessary for dental treatment, however, there are instances when we regularly recommend sedation dentistry to our patients, including the following:
Dental Phobia, Fear, and Anxiety
Sensitive Gag Reflex
Extensive Dental Work Needed
We typically prescribe either oral conscious sedation or IV sedation for patients who need to undergo extensive, lengthy, or invasive dental treatments. This ensures these patients can remain relaxed while their dental treatment is completed and awaken calm and stress free.

Will My Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of Sedation Dentistry?
Certain dental plans will cover some or all the costs associated with sedation dentistry, depending on the plan and the reason for sedation. If you’re unsure about your dental plan’s coverage, we welcome you to contact our office. Our Insurance Expert will work with you to help you determine your anticipated costs prior to care.
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This is a 30 minute appointment to discuss a current condition, cosmetics or emergency treatment.