Night Guards & Oral Appliances
At Dr. Christopher J. Fotinos, our dentists provide patients with custom-designed oral appliances and night guards. These oral appliances and night guards are a simple, non-invasive way to protect your teeth and reduce pain caused by a variety of oral health problems. The custom mouth guards fit comfortably and are manufactured to each patient’s specifications for optimal results.
What Do Night Guards and Oral Appliances Treat?
Oral appliances are used to treat a variety of conditions. Most commonly we recommend them to patients who are suffering from the following problems:
Sleep Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
If you grind your teeth while you’re asleep, then you’re suffering from a condition called sleep bruxism. This can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, stress levels, malocclusion, and smoking or tobacco use. Specially designed night guards can help protect a patient’s teeth from the excessive wear that bruxism causes while also mitigating the symptoms.

TMJ Disorders
Patients suffering from a variety of temporomandibular joint disorders(TMD) can find relief with a custom-designed oral appliance or night guard. These guards are customized to fit comfortably while individually addressing each patient’s concerns by adjusting the patient’s bite and/or resting jaw position.
Sleep Apnea
Mild or moderate forms of sleep apnea can be effectively addressed without a CPAP machine. Instead, some patients with sleep apnea can greatly decrease the symptoms of this disorder with a simple oral appliance(Sleep Apnea Guard) worn while sleeping. These devices work by slightly shifting your bite for optimal airflow and normal breathing. If you snore frequently, wake up throughout the night, and often feel fatigued during the day, you might be suffering from sleep apnea. Talk with your doctor about scheduling a sleep evaluation to determine the proper treatment for you.
The Difference Between Store-Bought Mouth Guards and Custom-Made Dental Appliances
A regular, boil-and-bite mouth guard can offer your teeth very minimal protection and sometimes cause more harm than good if the fit is incorrect, which is usually the case. Since store-bought mouthguards have one-size-fits-all designs, they cannot address individual problems. In addition, store-bought mouthguards are generally uncomfortable and clunky. As a result, most patients struggle to wear them regularly. Custom fabricated mouthguards are produced by an exact replica of your teeth and fit perfectly, as well as being comfortable to wear. Plus our dentists make precision adjustments to the mouthguards routinely to keep the fit ideal for your current dental conditions. There is absolutely no substitution for a custom fabricated mouthguard.

Custom Oral Appliances and Night Guards from Our Dentists in Orange, CA
If you suffer from sleep apnea, bite-related disorders, TMJ disorder, or bruxism, we encourage you to ask our dentists, Dr. Rosales or Dr. Fotinos, about whether a custom oral appliance or night guard might be the right treatment option for you. To learn more, we welcome you to schedule a consultation today.